We have new business owners asking us all the time, “Why do I need a website?” With the ever-changing digital trends and new platforms popping up every day, it can be a nightmare just trying to keep up! 

In all seriousness though; you’ve heard people say “Having a website is vital for your business!”

But, is it really?

Let’s go over what you’ll want to consider before you make a decision:


“Do I really need a website right now? Is that a smart investment in my company?” 

Your website gives you space online to show the world who you are and how your business can help them. It also provides your business online authority. 

For example, you see an awesome advertisement on Facebook and what to buy the product. If you go to buy, they don’t have a website, and instead, they ask you to send them a bank transfer. Needless to say, you are going to have to do more research before you are ready to hand over your money. 

By starting a website you are creating an online business card that says, “Here I am, I am legit, and I can help!”

A website also gives you a space to collect email addresses, schedule appointments and lets your clients submit forms that can help you organize and maintain your business for the long run.


“I am maintaining  sooo many social media platforms, why do I need a website?”

One thing is for certain; there will always be new apps, platforms, and social media trends popping up but your website is your home base! Just think about the typical way you research a new brand or business that you’re considering. You probably go to Google first and check out their website right?

You don’t OWN your Facebook page or Instagram profile or any of your social media pages. You’re buying space online when you buy a domain, you’re not even renting space on social media when you open a page because it’s totally free! 

Isn’t that a good thing though? Not really. If you don’t own it then you have no authority over it. Social media platforms can block you out (or delete everything you have on there; followers, pictures, posts, etc.) whenever they want and it has happened before!

ALL social media platforms have space for a link to your website because your social media should be a funnel to get people back to your home base, your website. Unlike social media, you have full control over your website and you can customize it however you want.


 “Do I need to build my long-term website all at once? How do I know if I am ready?”

Many businesses start off with a simple “portfolio” style website. These sites usually contain some basic information about the business, products/services, and your contact information. Like I mentioned earlier, it is great just to get your name in the game early!  Buy the URL that you want (before someone else does!) and make sure your clients can find you. 

If you are looking to build something bigger, it is good to remember that you can always do a little at a time. Maybe you put up a basic landing page now and then in a year you add on your e-commerce section of the site. 


With time and a clearly defined strategy, your website can become so much more than your online business card! When done correctly, a website can also be used to drive valuable, targeted visitors to your website at EXACTLY the right time. By using data, you can see where and what your customers are interested in while also seeing what ISN’T working for your business. 

IF you are thinking about building a website yourself or hiring a developer to help you, I highly encourage you to join my class 10 Things to Consider BEFORE Building Your Website happening January 31st. We will be going over all the basics of set-up, choosing a platform, and preparing your content and aesthetics for your website. Since this is my first class EVER(!) I am offering it at 50% of the normal price, just ₪70 ($22)! Sign up here.

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